About Us

My name is Aaron Stover and I am the owner of TGK’s Nebraska Pointing Labs.  I have owned and have been hunting over pointing labs since 2000.  Our family has always been part of our operation, and we have enjoyed the countless hours of satisfaction that running a small kennel and having puppies has provided our family.

Our Philosophy

We want to provide you with “bend over backwards” customer service and an excellent hunting dog.  Our family takes great pride in responding to customers wants and needs.  We may not always have exactly what you are looking for, but we never want to miss the opportunity of placing a puppy with a new home because we didn’t take the time to listen and understand our customers.

All of our dogs are hunted and trialed. Let us be clear, our dogs are hunting dogs first and trial dogs second.  However, we only breed dogs that have obtained a hunt test title.  In fact we are so picky about this that a dog does not even get his/her own webpage on our site until they have a hunt test title.  This ensures that your puppies parents have met specific hunting standards and gives you the peace of mind knowing that your pup’s parents perform on land and in the water. Many breeders only focus on the stud dog having hunt test titles, and forget about the other 50% of the equation, the female!  In our opinion, no other kennel places as much value on the female as we do.

Another philosophy of ours that makes us different is you will not find us chasing the latest craze in stud dogs. Occasionally we will use an outside stud to incorporate new blood into our bloodlines, but we don’t do it to chase the latest thing.  Your trust and investment into one of our puppies is way too important to chase outside stud dogs without a proven track record.

One final thing that we feel differentiates us is our dogs are a part of our family. When they get old and can’t hunt anymore or can’t produce pups anymore we don’t kick them to the curb and sell them.  We love all of our dogs, old, young, and in between!!  They have given their all for us and we will honor them until their last day with us.  This sadly is not true with all breeders.

Each year I hunt all over the Midwest with annual trips to the most prime pheasant hunting available.  I am blessed to have family in Northwest Kansas, and Northwest Iowa, and I have also hunted in North and South Dakota and of course hunt around home here in Nebraska. Our dogs quarter the field, point and retrieve birds (land and water), and are good companions. It is our opinion that training a dog to only pass trials does not make a good hunting dog or generate good blood lines. A dog must love to hunt and that only comes from getting in the truck and going for real hunts on wild birds in natural conditions. Training situations will never bring out a dog’s natural abilities that a cold fall morning of hunting wild birds will do.


Our Kennel always enjoys hearing back from our valued customers. If you are a TGK dog owner and have an update on your puppy/dog, a hunting story, and of course pictures, please email them to us.  Has your dog done something great, let us know about it and we will posit it on our current events section. If you are a potential customer and would like a list of references, please let us know and we will gladly provide them to you.