D.O.B. 02-28-04, D.O.D. 12-7-15
Tess is a Certified Pointing Retriever. She is a yellow female and weighs 65lb. Tess has a beautiful natural point that she continually passes along to her offspring. Tess is a tall lab which allows her to cover a lot of ground very efficiently and effortlessly. Tess has produced 4x GMPR, HRCH, MH QAA Rooster, GMPR Rachael SH, GMPR Gator SH, APR Auggie JH, MPR Jedi, SH and multiple CPR’s and her latest accomplishment her grand daughter Trinity is a 4xGMPR in the APLA. Don’t overlook her daughter CPR Flo either for passing along a great bloodline, see our litters page for Flo breedings In fact, Tess has never had a litter to date that did not produce a titled dog in the APLA, we are not aware of any other CPR female in the APLA whose litters have accomplished so much, Tess is truly, truly special without compare.
Tess is gone now, and very similar to our write-up on Hershey, she truly got us rolling in this “dog game”. Her staunch, staunch points, alpha female personality, and the best dam mother a pup could ever have personality and strengths will never be forgotten. Until we meet again, God’s Speed.